Saturday, April 24, 2010

Misery: A Quick Review

Well, first "Misery" is one of my favorite movies in the entire world and one day I am owning the special edition DVD.  It came out in 1990 and was directed by Rob Reiner, who's a great director by the way and I highly recommend his movies.  It's a really strange follow-up to Reiner's "When Harry Met Sally..."...a great movie that you all should see.  "Misery" is a fantastic movie and was based off a Stephen King book.  We all know that some Stephen King books adapted into movies are horrible...except movies such as "The Shining" and "The Shawshank Redemption"...both of which are amazing and I love them with every fiber of my being...Well anyways "Misery" stars Kathy Bates and James Caan.  These two get most of the screen time.  Lauren Bacall also has a decent sized role.  James Caan plays Paul Sheldon...he writes novels.  Kathy Bates plays Annie Wilkes...she loves Paul Sheldon's novels.  Paul Sheldon gets into a car accident in a blizzard and Annie brings him back to her house to nurse him back to health.  It's really a shame that Annie took him back to her house because not only is she his biggest fan...but she's also psychotic and will do whatever it takes to keep Paul was leaving her house...apparently Paul shouldn't have killed off "Misery," the popular character in his series of books.  Kathy Bates may have given one of the most chilling, incredible performances recorded on film, in "Misery."  She certainly earned her Best Actress Academy Award.  She looks normal and nice enough then you are thrown for a curve ball and realize, shortly after James Caan does, that she's crazy.  Kathy Bates does it flawlessly and this was the movie that made her one of my favorite actresses.  James Caan is great as well and the perfect counterpart to Kathy Bates.  The majority of the scenes take place in Annie's house with her and Paul.  And of course a thriller wouldn't be a thriller without a chilling score.  I haven't seen this movie since last summer, but I'm assuming the score was great or else I wouldn't have loved this movie as much as I do.  See this movie!  See it for Kathy Bates at least...and if you happen to like Rob Reiner and/or James Caan you'll be in for a great time.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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