Taxi Driver: A Quick Review
Martin Scorsese + Robert DeNiro + Bernard Herrmann = classic American film. "Taxi Driver" came out in 1976. And it should have won Best Picture, but it didn't because "Rocky" stole it...though that's a great movie, too. "Taxi Driver" was the second of eight collaborations between Martin Scorsese and Robert DeNiro, then Scorsese ditched DeNiro for Leonardo DiCaprio. Robert DeNiro plays Travis Bickle. He's a mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran, who, among doing other things, tries to help a 13 year old prostitute named Iris (Jodie Foster) get a better life. The film looks great. This is because Martin Scorsese is one of the greatest directors. "Taxi Driver" also sounds great and this is because Bernard Herrmann is one of the best film score composers...if you don't believe me watch and listen to "Psycho." "Taxi Driver" is regarded as a classic and for good's a phenomenal movie with a great performance by Robert DeNiro. Be a good American and watch it and learn to love it.
-Joseph Sbrilli
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