Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Training Day: A Quick Review

So I haven't reviewed anything in a while. Hopefully that will change. But let's start it off with a movie I've wanted to see for a while but it took forever to actually get around to.

For some reason, whenever someone mentions the film "the Graduate" I go, oh the Denzel movie? And they go, uh no? And give me a look like I'm dangerously stupid. If I ever talk about "The Graduate" odds are I am actually referring to this film because I am a fool.

Anyways, Ethan Hawke, everyone's "favorite" white actor is starting his new job in the narcotics division of the LAPD. His commanding officer is Denzel Washington. The entire movie takes place in one single day, where Ethan is meant to learn the ropes so to speak. Like a day of training if you will, to prepare him for multiple days on the job. He's kind of skittish but he's eager. He learns quickly that being a narcotics agent is a little different than being a beat cop. Denzel likes to work more closely to what is known as street justice. He lets things slide, like minor drug use in order to nab the big fish, the dealers and suppliers. But like any movie made after 1990, there's a twist and Denzel Washington is actually a pretty big douchebag instead of just being a tough cop.

The movie is well made, well-shot and pretty entertaining. Denzel Washington was awarded a best actor oscar for his work as detective Alonzo Harris. I'd highly recommend the film, if you can get over Ethan Hawke's character who for some reason basically does anything everyone tells him. But it's his first day! No, he's been a cop for a while he's not an idiot. You'll see what I mean.

3.5 out of 4 stars

-Christopher O'Connell

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