Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jurassic Park: A Quick Review

"Jurassic Park" was directed by Steven Spielberg, has a score by John Williams and features great special effects. All three of those elements are key in order for "Jurassic Park" to be a success (oh yeah, and maybe a good script somewhere in there), which it definitely is. Great cast: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Richard Attenborough. Great supporting actors: Wayne Knight and Samuel L. Jackson (who it's always wonderful to see show up randomly in pretty much every movie in the past 20 years). So in this great movie known as "Jurassic Park" these none too smart scientists decide to not only clone a bunch of dinosaurs from DNA they found but also throw them all into an amusement park of sorts...which is just such a bad idea on a variety of levels, but it leads to an intensely entertaining movie. In case you forget the movie is intense, John Williams's score will jog your memory. Honestly the movie is worth seeing just for the scene with the dinosaurs in the kitchen trying to find those stupid kids. And we learn from this movie that dinosaurs indeed were capable of opening large metal doors with complicated handles, way back when. Those aforementioned kids, however, are horribly annoying - as is the annoying young man in the beginning. They really serve no purpose whatsoever and add nothing to the story. The adult cast could have replaced them in their scenes...unless Steven Spielberg wanted us to have simpathy for the young people. I kind of would have preferred they just get eaten...and while the dinosaurs were at it they could eat Jeff Goldblum too because, oh my goodness, that man was annoying to watch and listen to for more than 8 seconds. Now that that's out of the way the special effects in this movie are so amazing. They are way better than the awful special effects that film makers decide to use now (ahhh George Lucas!). They actually look realistic. The dinosaurs were made using a combination of computer generated images and animatronics. And the end result is spectacular. So yeah, it's a great science fiction/action movie. The main cast work well together and everything and Samuel L. Jackson made me really happy and Wayne Knight had some funny scenes. 1993 was apparently a very good year for Steven Spielberg and his bank account since "Jurassic Park" and "Schindler's List" both were released. See it!...then learn to love Steven Spielberg if you don't already.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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