Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Air Force One: A Quick Review

"Air Force One" is a very good movie. This may have something to do with the fact (yeah, it's now a fact and not merely my opinion) that Harrison Ford is amazing actor (ignoring "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," which was most certainly all George Lucas's fault), and that Harrison Ford has great screen presence, and is strangely believable as the President of the United States. It also might have something to do with the fact the supporting cast, including Glenn Close (the Vice President), Gary Oldman (the head terrorist who is taking control of Air Force One), and William H. Macy (a Major...as in member of the armed forces) are all fantastic in their roles. Also Wolfgang Petersen is a great director (he directed "In the Line of Fire" four years before this movie...Clint Eastwood's in it and I love the movie with every fiber of my being). Well anyway, "Air Force One" is a good thriller and you actually care about the characters in it...which is good because otherwise watching movies is a waste of time, eyesight, and brain power. Except for the rarity of some really awful dialogue (for which the writer should be utterly ashamed of him or herself...but Harrison Ford probably should have spoken up about this - but he's amazing so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt) and a couple unbelievable scenes, the writing is well-done. Visually, the movie also succeeds...great action and effects. And honestly, when given the choice, why would anyone mess around with Harrison Ford? It just seems like a bad idea. Well, that's all I've got...after all it is a quick review...

-Joseph Sbrilli

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