Monday, November 23, 2009

Coming to America: A Quick Review

"Coming to America" has a great cast. This includes Eddie Murphy (before he started making awful family movies for which he should be ashamed) and Arsenio Hall. Both actors portray about half the characters in the movie since they are that talented. James Earl Jones, with the greatest voice in the history of the world (besides Morgan Freeman, who sadly is not in this movie), John Amos, and Samuel L. Jackson also show up for the fun. Yes, that man is somewhere in every movie ever made. Eddie Murphy plays a prince in some random African country. It's that time of life where he gets thrown into an arranged marriage. He doesn't want an arranged marriage and decides to find a wife on his own. And everyone knows the greatest wives come from Queens, New York. So Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall haul their tuchuses off to New York City and pretend to be poor and stuff, looking for the woman of Eddie Murphy's dreams. The movie is too long. It's pushing 2 hours, but the script doesn't really warrant the length of the movie. By the end it gets kinda tiresome. Some stuff could have been cut out - like awful lines and drawn-out scenes. There are definitely some funny parts, though. The cast helps and John Landis directing it didn't hurt. I wouldn't buy it. But it's good to see at least's not bad at all.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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