Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Left Foot: A Quick Review

I want you to picture the saddest moment in your life. Something that made you weep. Not just cry, but weep. Now, take that sad moment and shove it because nothing you ever experienced is as hard as Christy Brown's life.

Christy Brown (Daniel Day-Lewis) has cerebral palsy. A nuerological disorder that gets its kicks by messing with your brain. Christy was born with very little function in most of his body. He has no control over any of his limbs except for his left foot. This also makes it very hard for him to speak or learn, mostly because everyone assumed that he was retarted. But despite it all Christy learns how to write with his left foot and do things like write a best selling book.

This movie is incredibly sad, and incredibly uplifting at points. It goes without saying that Daniel Day-Lewis is amazing in this role. He puts it all in and it paid off with a well-deserved oscar. I heard he was an absolute terror to work with on this film (and people who actually have cerebral palsy were mad that a mentally challenged actor wasn't given the role) but it doesn't matter because this is acting gold. Unfortunately, he is surrounded by okay or just subpar actors. The only other character who does as well as Lewis is the actor who plays the young Christy Brown.

Incredibly moving and stunningly acted, My Left Foot deserves a viewing. If you don't you might be a horrible person.

3 1/2 out of 4 stars
-Christopher O'Connell

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