Tuesday, March 8, 2011

28 Days Later: A Quick Review

The amount of time between my viewing of 28 Weeks Later and 28 Days Later is probably considered a crime in some circles. I finally saw it, after loving the sequel, and am proud to announce that it is a very good film.

In England, some animal activists decide it's a good idea to break into a labratory and release imprisoned monkeys, despite being warned that they are infected with a very dangerous disease called Rage. After releasing said monkeys, they get attacked by them and quickly turn into humans with a blood lust that forces them to attack and kill everything living. You could say that they are zombies but in reality they are more like infected humans and that takes away a little of the unknown factor that zombie movies are famous for.

Anyways, the film is wonderful. It is shot in a kind of artsy, indie flick lens that makes it more personal. You aren't watching the movie, you are experiencing it with the characters as it unfolds. My friend put it a good way, 28 Days Later is a social commentary with horror elements. It's not really that scary, the gore is at a minimum for a zombie flick (making it more accessible to audiences) and it doesn't suffer one bit. If you like a zombie film that is actually good and entertaining definitely rent 28 Days Later. And then see 28 Weeks Later. A good horror movie with a good sequel, it has been a while since that has happened.

-Christopher O'Connell

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