Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When Harry Met Sally...:A Quick Review

Most romantic comedies are horrible, predictable and should never be watched by a human being, ever, except as a form of torture.  "When Harry Met Sally..." is a wonderful exception to the aforementioned rule.  It came out in 1989 and was directed by Rob Reiner, who in case anyone was wondering is a very good director.  It stars Billy Crystal as Harry Burns and Meg Ryan as Sally Albright.  They meet in college in 1977 and drive to New York City together because they are both moving there.  Along the way Harry tells Sally that men and women can never be friends because sex is always involved.  Of course this statement is so ridiculous that I won't comment on it any further because thinking too much about it could get me in a bad mood.  However, that warped philosophy is the main theme of this entire movie.  Twelve years go by and their relationship changes.  She breaks up with her boyfriend and He gets divorced and they actually become friends after being completely turned off by each other previously.  This of course leads into more than just friendship.  And they learn valuable life lessons along the way and discover wonderful things about their feelings for each other and what have you.  Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan had great chemistry in this movie and were also given a great script by Nora Ephron, who would four years later write and direct one of the most ridiculously plotted movies ever..."Sleepless in Seatle"...not a huge fan.  Well anyways, "When Harry Met Sally..." is just really smartly written and has some witty dialogue which is nice, especially in such a cliched and awful genre.  Oh and by the way, Meg Ryan gets to fake an orgasm in a diner in a hilarious scene that is now considered classic.  And is followed by the great classic line, "I'll have what she's having."  So anyways I really enjoyed this movie.  The script was intelligent and the two leads played off each other great.  I normally hate romantic comedies, but in my opinion this is one of the best and my personal favorite.  If you like anyone involved with the making of this movie, then give it a try you'll probably find some level of enjoyment,

-Joseph Sbrilli

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