Sunday, May 9, 2010

Iron Man: A Quick Review

I figured that since "Iron Man 2" just came out and Mr. Chris O'Connell reviewed that, I would quick review "Iron Man." I watched it again yesterday before I saw "Iron Man 2," in hopes that the story would be fresh in my mind.  It kind of was, but I'm also senile and have no attention span...don't judge me.  I had the pleasure of seeing "Iron Man" in theaters about two years ago on the smallest screen in the smallest theater at Regal Cinemas.  I guess that's what happens when I wait 2 months before seeing a really popular movie in theaters.  So yeah there will be a lot of be rambling in this review, but that's fun for me so I will continue to do it. Anyways, "Iron Man" was directed by Jon Favreau and stars Robert Downey Jr. in the career rejuvenating role of Tony Stark/Iron Man.  He is joined by Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard, and Jeff Bridges. Tony Stark runs Stark Industries.  They make military weapons.  While in Afghanistan Tony Stark gets severely wounded.  The only thing keeping shrapnel from getting to his heart, thus killing him is an electromagnet that is now in his chest...From there he makes a suit out of some scrap mental, because at this point he is still in Afghanistan and is being held captive.  After he gets back to the US, he decides it would probably be a good idea if he became a superhero.  He gets a better suit and Iron Man is born, fighting evil where ever it may be.  Gwyneth Paltrow plays Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's assistant.  Terrence Howard plays Stark's friend, Colonel James Rhodes and Jeff Bridges is Tony Stark's late father's business partner, Obadiah Stane.  I had actually never heard of "Iron Man" before seeing this movie.  I thought it was a great movie and I really enjoyed it.  Robert Downey Jr. was apparently meant to play Tony Stark.  It's just one of those things.  The rest of the cast is great and I always enjoy seeing Jeff Bridges.  There is a great mix of action and comedy, with some great one-liners delivered by Robert Downey Jr. Also, the special effects are impessive, which is always a plus.  It's amazing how horrible special effects seem to be running rampant in Hollywood.  So basically, not as good as "The Dark Knight," but still a great comic book/action movie that I highly recommend.  And always stay for the credits (in any movie that you watch, but especially this one).  Samuel L. Jackson shows up as Nick Fury in a fun segue-way for "Iron Man 2."  And while watching "Iron Man," be glad that Scarlett Johansson didn't show up.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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