Saturday, January 30, 2010

District 9: A Quick Review

"District 9" came out last summer. I never saw it in theaters because I don't really like science fiction movies. Then one night I watched it because it didn't cost me any money and that is usually a big selling point for me. Twenty-eight years ago a ship full of aliens ended up in the vicinity of South Africa. Now, in present day, the aliens are living in slum-like living arrangements and are in the process of being evicted. The guy in charge of this gets some weird alien stuff on him and starts to turn into an alien. (No, this is not a true story and yes, I am aware I am awful at giving the synopsis for movies...but if this plot summary doesn't impress you then just spring for the dollar rental and make your own summary.)
I enjoyed this movie...except for the part that was skipped over because the Blockbuster Express kiosk enjoys putting the DVD's in cases that could easily scratch the discs. The plot line was interesting and highly entertaining. The whole thing was done in a documentary style which worked out well. Special effects were also used pretty well. Not a bad directorial debut for Mr. Neill Blomkamp. Most people have no idea who this man is so they slapped Peter Jackson's name on it to essentially trick people into going to the worked and we can expect a "District 10" in the very near future. I wouldn't buy it, but if you are one of those people who like science fiction then give it a try.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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