Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Hangover: A Quick Review

"The Hangover"... You come across these people in life who think this is the greatest movie ever. These people are lying to you on a couple of different levels. The movie made a ton of money last summer and got positive reviews. It is also very over-hyped; which isn't to say it's not a funny actually is pretty funny. It was way better than the trailer would lead me to believe. I originally wanted to avoid it at all costs because the trailer was terrible. But I went to see it in theaters and saw it again recently on DVD. It kind of grows on you. It is a ridiculously stupid movie and at times more gross than legitimately funny, but there are several funny lines and scenes to be had...such as Mike Tyson's cameo and Ken Jeong. The four main guys also have their moments...mainly Zach Galifianakis. And Jeffrey Tambor is great in his small part at the beginning of the movie. Well I'm assuming the majority of people have already seen it and know what it's about, but here's a summary in a long sentence: Four guys are on their way to Las Vegas for their friend's bachelor party, but once they get there they get drugged and don't remember the night before, and the soon-to-be groom goes missing and they have to try and find him and return Mike Tyson's tiger before the wedding starts. It's worth seeing a couple times, but it's not as great as people claim. It's pretty funny, but I would be embarrassed to own it and I personally thought "Zombieland" was funnier. Bill Murray's cameo...enough said.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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