Monday, October 31, 2011

Everything Must Go: A Quick Review

Dramedies (dramadys?) are great. They combine the best of both worlds. You get to laugh and then you get to cry and then probably laugh again. It's just like real life! Except all the boring parts are taken out. Anyways, last year Everything Must Go hit the indie circuit and finally got a sorta bigger release and I was lucky enough to see it.

Will Ferrell is Nick Halsey, an alcoholic sales associate at a very nice firm. Actually, a former sales associate. After falling off the wagon and celebrating a little too hard, Nick got into a potentially damning situation with a female employee. He was fired and when he got home he discovered that his wife left him and put all of his belonging out on the front yard. She also blocked all his bank accounts. Don't trust women kids. Nick decides to hold a yard sale on his front yard (using the money mostly to purchase pabst blue ribbon) and hopefully eventually recover from alcoholism and win his wife back. Hint: he only does one of those things because his wife sucks.

Will Ferrell is great. I loved him in the okay-movie Stranger Than Fiction. He is very good in a dramatic role and portrays a recovering alcoholic very well. I laughed with him, I cried with him and I just plain enjoyed this movie. It's kind of sad if you really think about it but it ends on a cheery note and you can't help but feeling good about life. I want to watch it again right now in fact.

Featuring a breakout performance by C.J. Wallace (Notorious B.I.G.'s son) and some sharp, witty writing. Will Ferrell proves himself to be more than just a funnyman.

3 and a half out of 4 stars

-Christopher O'Connell

P.S. why doesn't he just break a window and get into the house? That always bugged me.

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