Monday, August 22, 2011

Final Destination 5

This will be a short review, because it's a friggin "Final Destination" movie.  Firstly, I love these movies...minus the 4th one which was absolutely horrible, even for a movie franchise like this.  The fourth one was so ridiculously stupid and a horror I wish on no one.  I have never seen the third one, but the most recent addition to the series is probably my favorite.  So entertaining all the way through, and with a couple twists, that I of course won't ruin because you never know where "Final Destination" fans may be.

This movie follows the general plot of all the others.  A disaster happens.  This time its a bridge collapse.  Naturally, there is a young person who has a premonition, vision, whatever you want to call it about what horror is about to happen.  He or she (this time it's a he) looks like a lunatic trying to tell people what's going to happen before it does, but he saves 8 people.  However, they start dying in the order they were "meant to," according to the vision.  Apparently, you can't beat death.  Who knew?  However, if you kill someone your life is spared.  Anyways, people die extremely coincidentally and in the grossest, most violent ways possible.  This was made for 3D so there are all sorts of cheap shots of gross things flying at the audience.  I don't support 3D because it is dumb, unnatural, and a rip-off, so I saw the normal version, but this was a perfect gimmicky movie for it I guess.

I really liked the ties to the earlier movies that were found in the new one and the slightly different plot additions, and the fact that I didn't hate my life, like during the one two years ago.  Awful! And not "Grease 2" awful either...

Anyways the visual effects were actually pretty good in this, including the bridge collapse, and the deaths by things ranging from a gigantic industrial hook through someone's face, getting mangled in a gymnastics practice, and a laser eye surgery gone horribly wrong.  I kept imagining these awful things happening to me and it was truly frightening, and I will never get eye surgery, and may not leave my house for a while.

You know these horrible deaths are coming and that is most of the fun of the movie.  Yes, I may sound really messed up for using "horrible deaths" and "fun" in the same sentence.  But, these movies are made purely for it's entertainment value.  And amidst the predictability for the most part, and the cheesy lines nicely sprinkled throughout the script, I thoroughly enjoyed myself for an hour and a half.

Another random bit of information.  These films aren't known for quality acting, but most of the people in this were not cringeworthy, which was pleasant.

I'm not saying these are quality movies, because they certainly are not.  However, I find them fun and entertaining to watch.  The stories are more or less the same in all of them.  But, it is a formula that seems to have worked pretty darn well for the past 11 years.  It's interesting to see how people try to escape death, while ultimately waiting for their impending that was a depressing sentence.

In closing, never ever, under any circumstances watch the fourth "Final Destination" movie.  You will vomit and be angry, I promise.  "Final Destination 5," on the other hand is pure fun, in a gory, gross, strange way.  I do understand these may not be some people's movie's of choice, and that's fine.  Again, this is yet another movie I do not receive royalties for.

2 out of 4 stars.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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