Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Social Network: A Quick Review

Well I finally saw "The Social Network," directed by David Fincher and starring Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, and others.  If you don't know the plot to this movie then I have nothing to say to you.  Facebook! Billions of dollars! Mark Zuckerberg makes a bunch of enemies on the way because as it turns out he's kind of a jerk.  Rumor has it that a lot of this movie was made up. I can't actually prove this one way or another, until I look it up on Wikipedia.  If that's the case, than that is ridiculous and someone should have paid closer attention to the true details.  Jesse Eisenberg is actually quite a good actor, judging him solely on this and "Zombieland."  He got an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, but he will lose to Colin Firth for "The King's Speech."  Just like the other nominees basically don't have a chance against him.  "The Social Network" was well made.  I liked how the film consisted of a lot of flashbacks to when Facebook was first starting and cutting back to closer to the present where Zuckerberg and other Facebook people are being interrogated regarding some legal trouble.  Also, the cinematography, lighting, and everything looked great.  I assume it would have been even better on a bigger television set.  However, near the end of the film it started to drag on and I was beginning to get antsy.  Overall, I still am not a huge fan of a movie about Facebook.  I just think it's a fad that is not worthy of being made into a film.  And if this wins Best Picture over "The King's Speech," then I will be really upset because that is the better movie.  The previous statement is not even up for negotiation.  Also, David Fincher's three movies with Brad Pitt were also much better than this.  I am aware that I am in the minority with "The Social Network", but I am fine with that.  Who knows, it may grow on me...eventually.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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