Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Terminator: A Quick Review

Well I finally got around to seeing "The Terminator," after seeing "Terminator Salvation" first.  Well first of all feel free to skip "Terminator Salvation." It was merely an attempt to make more money off "The Terminator" franchise, just without Arnold Schwarzenegger.  "The Terminator" on the other hand is a classic science fiction movie that was directed and co-written by the man behind "Titanic" and "Avatar," James Cameron.  It was released in 1984 and stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator and Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor.  The movie takes place in the year 2029.  Apparently in the future there will be an awful lot of cyborgs.  One of these cyborgs, the Terminator goes back in time to the year 1984.  His sole purpose is to find Sarah Connor and kill her.  Kyle Reese also goes back in time and his sole purpose is to protect her.  The Terminator looks an awful lot like a human so at first people just think he's just a really muscular man...until they get shot to death that is.  Yeah, that's the main plot point, I assume you all have see this movie already, or most of it, so it really doesn't matter how I explain it.  Well anyway the movie is extremely entertaining.  The pacing is perfect and the essentially the action never lets up.  There is plenty of gunfire to be had as well as numerous car chases.  James Cameron is an extremely capable director and is able to capture such scenes very well.  Also of note is the special effects.  For 1984 these were fantastic effects.  Of course 26 years later they look a little on the fake side, but at the time it's the best they could do.  I happen to despise CGI that is literally everywhere you look at the movies now.  It looks incredibly fake and annoying to me and I much prefer the old way of doing things, where the special effects people physically built things with their very own hands to use in movies like this.  I can't talk about "The Terminator" without mentioning Arnold Schwarzenegger at least once.  He was just perfectly cast as the Terminator.  His build, his voice, his screen presence, everything just comes together so well and it's impossible to imagine anyone else saying, "I'll be back."  The negative parts of the movie...there's actually not many...at least none that really stuck out...except for the sex scene between Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese.  That was just too long and too unnecessary and really added nothing to the movie.  We all know that John Connor was conceived, but we don't need to see it.  The other negative part would be the score.  Most of the time it's fine. And then other times it doesn't fit at all. I know the movie was made in the 1980s.  I don't need the score to constantly remind me of this fact. So yeah, very well made movie, a classic.  If you haven't seen it yet, see it at least once.  And if you have, there was really no reason to read this review, but by all means watch it again.  I'm looking forward to seeing the sequel...the first one...the one people like...

-Joseph Sbrilli

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