Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Ides of March

imgres.jpgBelieve it or not I am still part of this blog.  I just have been far too tired to contribute the past couple of months, and have only been to the theaters a couple.  One of these such times was "The Ides of March," which was at the end of October, so I apologize for the questionable review that is about to follow.

The film was directed by two time winner of the People Magazine's coveted "Sexiest Man Alive" award, George Clooney.  He stars with some of the most talented people currently working in Hollywood, including the likes of Ryan Gosling, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, and Marisa Tomei.  Rachel Evan Wood and Jeffrey Wright also has a decent sized roles, I just don't like them as much as the others.  

This movie is extremely political so if you don't like that sort of stuff, then by all means stop reading this review and do something else with you time and brian cells.  I personally usually enjoy political movies, which is off because politics confuse me and in real life I don't concern myself with such things.  In this movie Clooney plays Governor Mike Morris, who is campaigning for the United States' presidency.  If he wins in Ohio then it's essentially a done deal that he will be the Democratic candidate in the election.  Gosling plays Stephen Meyers, Morris' Junior Campaign manager.  All sorts of scandals come up including affairs with interns (which is stupid idea and people should never do it!) and secretive meetings with members of the competition including Giamatti's role as Wright's character's campaign manager, who is also vying for the Democratic nomination.  People's loyalty is put into the question all lots of unexpected things occurr...or at least a couple do.  

While watching the trailer, the moment I saw Marisa Tomei on screen I instantly decided I was going to see this movie.  That makes me a bit biased I suppose, but I can't help it.  She is talented, looks great, and I've enjoyed seeing her in three movies in theaters this year.  The rest of the cast is great as well, including Giamatti who has probably the funniest line in the movie, which I won't spoil, because most people might not even find it as amusing as I did.  Clooney proven yet again why he is one of the most respected actors currently in Hollywood.  He is talented on screen, as well as behind it, and like Cary Grant before will mostly like be acting well into his 60s, and having women half his age fall for him.  If your George Clooney you don't even have to pursue women, they do that for you. Ryan Gosling and Philip Seymour Hoffman are also incredibly talented, and worked well with Clooney as other cast members.  I just can't comment on every single person in this movie.

If we are being honest with ourselves, I am going to have to watch this movie again.  Like with most movies I just confused and forgetful my first time watching it.  However, I will say that the last half of the movie was more interesting to me. The beginning is a tad slow, but eventually picks up speed and becomes more engaging.  Also, don't be surprised if the movie ends abruptly.  I like that in movies.  It's very European, but I understand that this may anger some people, so just wanted to give a heads up about that.

If political movies or any member of the talented cast interests you, then give the movie a try.  I'm sure you can rent it for a dollar somewhere.  At the vary least the above poster is one of the greatest, most creative posters my eyes have ever seen.

3 out of 4 stars.

-Joseph Sbrilli 

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