Friday, August 12, 2011

The Help

This may be my estrogen talking but I loved this movie, despite it being over two hours long and me missing the trailers, and first minute of the movie.  Don't worry, I will attempt to elaborate.

"The Help" is based off an extremely popular book of the same name, that obviously I have not read because I don't usually do that sort of thing.  It was written and directed by Tate Taylor.  I have no idea who he is, but he apparently makes darn good movies all of a sudden.  This nice man gathered an unbelievable list of talented actresses for this film.  That includes, but is not limited to the likes of Emma Stone, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain, Viola Davis, Allison Janney, Sissy Spacek, and Mary Steenburgen 

The film takes place takes place in the 1960s in Mississippi...a nice place to set a story about segregation.  "The Help," refers to the African Americans who spend their lives raising white people and being treated poorly in the process.  It deals with roles of whites and blacks during this unfortunate time in this country's history.  This story is about one white girl, nicknamed Skeeter and portrayed by Emma Stone who wants to be be a writer.  She comes up with an idea of writing a book of interviews about black housekeepers opinions of the white people that they work for and help raise their children.  This obviously is a controversial idea, and these housekeepers are afraid of what they might start, if these stories are published.  The bravery of two housekeepers, Abilene Clark (Viola Davis) and Minny Jackson (Octavia Spencer) prompts many more to be involved with the book.  The rest of the women are mainly privileged, snotty white women...anyways...

I recently decided that I love Emma Stone.  She is charming and beautiful and becoming quite a good actress.  She led the last of talented women as a girl trying to make a difference during a extremely horrible time.  Allison Janney as her mother was hilarious, as she often time is.  She also got to do a nice bit of drama in the film, and I discovered she is a talented crier.  She is no Sally Field, but then again no one is.  Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer also gave incredible performances, as the primary housekeepers standing up for Skeeter's book idea, and dealing with the ridiculous white people that they work for.  Bryce Dallas Howard plays a real b word in this movie, and i wanted to punch her a couple of times because of how poorly she treated people.  I guess that means she's a pretty good actress.  That is of course if that was her primary goal.  Finally, the scenes with Sissy Spacek, as Howard's mother are absolutely hilarious.  She is senile and and says some hilarious things, many of which her daughter had coming.

The look of the film is very appealing as the clothing, sets, and outdoor cinematography all scream Deep South in the 1960s.  I'm no expect on what the 1960s looks like, beyond what television shows and movies from that time have told me, but I believed that "The Help" looked genuine.  Either that or I was blinded by how entertained I was for the entire movie.  There are some some nice outdoor shots of long winding country roads and generally very beautiful images.

Finally, I loved the mix of drama and comedy that was in this movie.  All the actresses were talented in this area.  They were often times hilarious, either because they were giving large amounts of sass, or because they were being incredibly selfish and oblivious, depending on the character of course.  Other times these actresses were in moving scenes showing how their jobs and the way that they were treated effected them.  I had read that some people did not think that the film dealt with the racism aspect as in depth as they should have. I personally didn't see a problem in this area since I felt the movie was intended to be a drama with comedic undertones, rather than an all out, gut wrenching drama.  I guess viewers can decide for themselves.

What a wonderful summer movie.  This summer has been full of superhero movies, R rated comedies, and animated movies.  To some extent I like all those types a great deal.  However, seeing a movie like "The Help" was just a real pleasure for me.  So many talented actresses that were given a great story work with.  The end result, for me anyway was highly entertaining, quite funny, and at times emotional...if you are into that kind of thing.  Although it was over 2 hours long, I didn't feel it at all since it was well paced, and what was unfolding on screen kept my attention.  Give it a try...unless you really are too masculine for it...then I guess go have a "Rambo" marathon or something.

3 1/2 out of 4 stars.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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