Thursday, August 12, 2010

Look Who's Talking and Look Who's Talking Too: Quick Reviews

Last year I bad mouthed this movie a little bit in a review for "Saturday Night Fever."  In my defense I was avoiding it like the plague at the time.  I'm going to now retract part of that bad mouthing.  True "Look Who's Talking" is overall pretty dumb.  Also true, Bruce Willis provides the voice of the baby and if you've ever wanted to see a movie with some talking sperm, then this is definitely the movie you must be looking for.  However, I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself watching this movie and was glad I watched this all the way through instead of finishing "Mr. Wrong," a completely ridiculous Ellen Degeneres romantic comedy.  The cast is great and includes Kristie Alley as Mollie, an accountant who is having an affair (really awful idea by the way) with Albert played by George Segal.  This affair results in a baby who's voice is Bruce Willis.  Shortly before going into labor Mollie meets James (John Travolta), who happens to drive the taxi that takes her to the hospital.  Mollie and James become quite close, and as it turns out James would would be the perfect father for little Mikey (Bruce Willis...fresh off of "Died Hard") The movie naturally makes tons of money and spawns 2 sequels.  This movie definitely did not warrant a sequel, let alone two.  But I can't deny it, one of these days I will see them both.  Olympia Dukakis and Abe Vigoda finish off the talented cast.  The movie is ridiculous and you can live a perfectly fine life never having seen it.  But I found it fun and I love John Travolta very much...minus his whole Scientology thing.  I guess I can't even really recommend this movie in good conscience, but that's beside the point.

"Look Who's Talking Too" is more of the same and just a way for Columbia Tri-Star to try and cash in on the success of the first movie.  John Travolta, Kristie Alley, Bruce Willis, and Olympia Dukakis are back for some more fun in this sequel.  And Olympia Dukakis was the lucky winner of the funniest line in the entire movie, since they are few and far between.  And subconsciously the people who made this movie knew that, since its close to 20 minutes shorter than the original...luckily they didn't try to drag it out any longer.  This time around Mollie and James are married and expecting a second child...which makes little sense because their daughter was already born at the end of the first movie...but these movies do have talking babies so realism is not at the forefront of their minds.  Little Julie is naturally voiced by Roseanne Barr, who I find to be a hilarious lady.  Mel Brooks also is in this, getting the pleasure of being the voice of Mr. Toilet Man...yes this is the kind of movie we are dealing with here...a kids movie...but with some profanity thrown in there.  Gilbert Gottfried also has the funny/frightening role of the baby gym teacher. However, the movie does end with "I Got You Babe," over the end that's a huge plus.  Both movies actually have some great music throughout including some Beach Boys and Elvis Presley songs.  So yeah this movie did not dissapoint me, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into.  Largely forgettable...I know huge surprise...and not as much fun as the first...I just have a hard time resisiting a great cast...even if mediocre is literally the nicest thing I can say about the final product.  I assume the third movie may actually blind me...we shall see.

-Joseph Sbrilli

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