Saturday, March 27, 2010

From Paris With Love: A Quick Review

After recently watching "Bad Boys II", "From Paris With Love" feels like the shorter, less pretty sister of all action movies. You would date her if you really had to but you don't particularly want to. Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays some no name CIA agent who only has one face for every emotion in the book. He is horribly mismatched with John Travolta as Charlie Wax, a CIA spec ops agent. Travolta's character feels pretty much rehashed from "The Taking of Pelham 123." Together they're out to kill drug dealers and terrorists and pretty much anyone in Paris that isn't caucasian. Well, Travolta does, Meyers just stands around complaining about the morals of the situation. The action scenes are decently done, with Travolta doing all the stunts and shooting, and all the acting actually. I like how my grandpa described it, an entertaining action flick with absolutely no social value at all. Don't read into the film much deeper than the fact that there's explosions and gunfights. Otherwise stay far away from this one. And the scene in the poster doesn't happen. It's a lie, that particular scene isn't as exciting as its made out to be.

-Christopher O'Connell

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